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Glass Buildings

Avantgarde Fire Consultants

Our Story




Navin Joseph

Managing Director

Navin Joseph began his entrepreneurial journey in Tasmania nearly a decade ago, prioritising innovation and client-centric practices. He maintains a lean and dynamic approach to customise projects for each client's specific business needs, ensuring consistent, high-quality, and on-time delivery within budget.


With 15 years of experience spanning Queensland, Tasmania, and the Australian Capital Territory, Navin specialises in Fire Protection and Fire Safety Engineering, offering a unique skill set that enables him to tailor outcomes to his client's business needs. Whilst he and his family live in the Australian Capital Territory they frequently travel to Tasmania and Queensland. Utilising technology enables him to continue to provide a personalised service for his clients.


Navin is known for his swift responsiveness to his clients, consistently exceeding their expectations with cutting-edge solutions. His commitment to innovation and focus on utilising sustainable business practices aligns with his company's name, Avantgarde Fire Consultants.


Tailored client-centric services, technological innovation, and a solid commitment to sustainability in business operations mark Navin Joseph's entrepreneurial journey.

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